
Sperm Microchipping

Male infertility has a considerable place among all infertility. It is a known fact that sperm count, motility, morphology (shape) and genetic structure are lower in the developing modern world compared to the old times. The method, also known as Microfluidic Chip technology or Chip Baby Treatment, stands out as a method that increases pregnancy success, especially in male patients with sperm count, motility and morphology disorders.

Success in IVF treatment directly depends on the quality of the egg and sperm cells. After the male patient provides a sperm sample, only a few sperm cells in the semen will be used. In cases where there is no problem with the sperm, the embryologist fertilises the eggs by selecting sperm with good motility and shape, but in some cases, it may not be that easy to choose healthy sperm. These situations can be summarised as follows:

  • Low sperm count
  • Low sperm motility
  • Serious disorder in sperm structure
  • High rate of genetic damage in sperm DNA damage test
  • Low success of sperm fertilising the egg in previous IVF attempts
  • Failure to achieve pregnancy in many previous IVF attempts
  • A history of recurrent miscarriages in the female

Sperm microchip technology offers an excellent opportunity to select the few sperm in good condition in patients with sperm problems. This technology has a labyrinth system with specially designed microchannels. This system mimics the canalicular system in the mucus layer of the female's cervix. This labyrinth system only allows the passage of sperm that is appropriately structured and motile and makes the correct movements. In this way, it is possible to select the sperm in the best condition and quality. This method, which also allows the selection of the least genetically damaged sperm, can improve the number of embryos created and the quality of the embryos.

There are three types of sperm microchip methods, one of which is used for insemination, another is used for in vitro fertilisation treatments in cases where sperm count is good, and another technique gives excellent results in patients with low sperm count, structure and motility. For this reason, the success of in vitro fertilisation pregnancy increases significantly when the proper method is used on the selected patient.

Due to the law, we cannot share information on microchip prices on our website. You can contact us for detailed information.