
Embryo Glue

Embryo transfer is a critical stage in all IVF treatments. At this stage, the prepared embryo/embryos, namely babies in the cellular stage, are left in the endometrial space, the area in the uterus where the embryos will attach. Then, the embryo is waited for to see if it will attach. At this stage, embryo glue is a method that increases the chance of embryo implantation.

The question of what embryo glue is is frequently asked. Embryo glue is a liquid that contains a high amount of hyaluronan. When this liquid is used before and during embryo transfer, it increases the success of embryos adhering to the uterus. The reason for this is hyaluronan. Hyaluronan is a substance found in the natural environment of the uterine cavity, namely the endometrial cavity. It increases the embryo's implantation to the endometrium, namely the inner wall of the uterus. Adding a liquid containing this substance to the treatment naturally increases the success of the embryo implantation.

Embryo glue should be used, especially in mothers who have had unsuccessful IVF attempts before or who are at older age. The ideal thing is to offer this additional treatment method to the patient in all IVF treatments that have been applied with much effort. We routinely use embryo glue in all embryo transfers in our centre.

This liquid containing hyaluronan is mainly used just before embryo transfer, and the embryos planned to be transferred are kept in this liquid for a while and then transferred to the intrauterine cavity with this liquid.

Embryo glue cost is a frequently researched topic and is offered for a fee in some IVF centres. In our centre, embryo glue treatment is added to all IVF treatments free of charge because we aim to ensure that our patients get pregnant at the highest rate.

Embryo glue increases pregnancy rates. Studies have shown that embryo glue does not increase the risk of miscarriage or pregnancy-related problems and can be used safely in all embryo transfers. Although it has been shown to improve pregnancy success, this liquid should not be perceived as a miracle that provides 100% success.